Phil and I tried everything to get my hover started and after about 15
minutes of no success we started talking about options. About two hundred yards
from us was a private boat ramp that Phil thought we might be able to use so he
jumped in the river and started walking up toward the ramp to ask the owner if
we could use it to drag my hover out of the river. While Phil was walking up to
the neighbors I kept messing with the hover and getting things ready to tow it
by hand up to the neighbors or anchor it to Phil’s dock if that was my only
option. Phil came back after about 15 minutes and said the neighbor was good
with us using his ramp so Phil said "I'm already wet so I might as well
tow the hover up to the ramp, my wife is on her way home so she can take you to
your vehicle and you can meet me over at the ramp and we'll load this thing up.
With that he took the rope and with hover in tow began to walk toward the ramp.
I climbed the hill back up to his house and waited for his wife. When Dee
arrived we headed to my car and retrieved it and the trailer then it was back
to the private ramp. When I got back there I backed down the long hill to the
boat ramp and did what I seldom do, I backed my trailer into the water to load
my hover. When I backed up I noticed the trailer seemed to stop so we decided
that was far enough and floated the hover up onto the trailer. I strapped it
down and started to pull out. My front wheel drive dug in and then spun the
tires, I backed up and got a little bit of a nudge and tried again and with
that the vehicle moved about a foot and a half and dropped off the concrete
onto gravel and spun again. After about 5 tries of doing that Phil said he
thought I was stuck in the river mud with the back of the trailer, he felt
around on the back of the trailer and sure enough I had scooped up about a
thousand pounds of mud and it was keeping me from pulling out. We floated the
hover off the trailer again and I tried to pull the empty trailer out of the
water but still it wouldn't budge, so Phil said he would get his all-wheel
drive SUV and pull it out. So Dee went to get their other vehicle, when she got
back we pulled on the trailer and it still wouldn't budge so Phil checked the
back of the trailer and it was embedded in the mud about two feet. We decided
that we would have to get some of the mud off the back of the trailer and so
Phil and I proceeded to shovel the mud with our feet. It was like pushing lead
powder and in the 103 degree temperature I was feeling the effects of the heat.
All the time we were trying to do this I kept thinking, "Great I come out
here to treasure hunt and all I get is one problem after another". After
about 10 minutes we finally got enough mud off the back of the trailer for Dee
to pull the trailer ahead enough to get out of the mud, we then pushed the
hover up on the trailer with two of us pushing and Dee pulling the front with a
rope and the hover went about two thirds of the way up on the trailer and
stopped. The hover was full of water in the inner hull and was too heavy to
lift so Phil suggested we strap it down pull off the ramp turn around on the
hill leading to the ramp and let the hover slide up the rest of the way on the
trailer. This guy was smart he obviously had done this before and at this point
with the sun beating down on us and I was ready to just leave the thing in the
ater and let it float away forever. Phil is an interesting guy he always stays
calm and just figures out whatever he has to make it work, last winter he was
out fishing by himself, tripped while moving around in his boat an fell into
the freezing cold river with no life jacket on. As he fell into the water his
head struck the boat motor and cut his head just above the eye, he managed to
pull himself back into the boat soaking wet and bleeding he motored back to his
house about a mile away climbed the 200 feet up the 40% grade hill to his house
and got patched up. All I can say is "he is amazing" not real bright
sometimes (no life jacket and alone) but he is also amazing. After loading my
brick of a hover on the trailer strapping it down and moving up to the top of
the hill we switched the trailer over to my vehicle and I was ready to go. The
home owners had left and were now back so I could meet them and thank them for
allowing me to use there ramp, Mike the homeowner said, "No problem if you
ever want to use the ramp again feel free". He offered us a cool adult
beverage to help soothe the wounded ego and refresh ourselves after the ordeal
but by then all I could think of was getting this hover home and collapsing in
a chair and licking my wounds so I declined thanked them and headed toward the
house. "How disappointing", I thought, "I had all these plans of
finding treasure and all I got was frustrated and cost Phil, his wife and two
perfect strangers some grief" all that and no treasure! Then it dawned on
me, Phil, Dee, had just spent 3 hours of their Saturday in 103 degree heat
helping me load my hover onto the trailer at a perfect strangers ramp who has
offered to allow me to use it whenever I want to. I guess I found some real
treasure after all, it wasn't the precious metal I could exchange for money it
was incredible friendship and generosity of the people who helped me. Treasure
is not someone else’s lost valuables it is friendship and kindness and with
that I realized Me and my hover became a little richer that day and I found a
treasure that is rare and extremely valuable.